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    Netherlands Work Visa Sponsorship Companies in 2023 (Recognized Sponsor)

    Greetings, as of July 18th, 2023, there exists an impressive count of 10,648 esteemed organizations and companies in the Netherlands officially recognized as sponsors. If you're seeking opportunities to work in the Netherlands, keep your eye out for the Netherlands Work Visa Sponsorship Companies in 2023. Rest assured, all these companies have undergone thorough recognition and registration processes by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). As registered sponsors, they possess the privilege to employ foreign workers and sponsor their work visas.


    Contained within the list are various enticing prospects, spanning companies, universities, and esteemed research institutions in the Netherlands, all eagerly looking to have you as part of their workforce. Over the recent years, the number of sponsors has seen a significant rise, attributed to the Netherlands' growing allure for foreign workers, stemming from an abundance of job opportunities. This post endeavors to illuminate you on the fascinating realm of Sponsored Jobs in the Netherlands.

    List of Netherlands Work Visa Sponsorship Companies in 2023 (Recognized Sponsor)

    Let me shed some light on Sponsored Jobs and their perks. A Sponsored Job entails an employer who goes the extra mile by assisting with your work visa, relieving you of visa preparation worries. Often, the employer also covers the costs of work permits.

    What is a Sponsored Job and its Benefit?

    If you are fortunate enough to be employed by a Recognized sponsor company, you can benefit from a fast-tracked application for your work visa through the Dutch Immigration Department (IND). This streamlined process helps to expedite the visa approval, allowing you to start your work in the Netherlands sooner.

    Types of Recognized Employers in the Netherlands

    There are different types of Recognized Employers in the Netherlands that are allowed to sponsor foreign workers:
    • Regular Labour and Highly Skilled Migrants: For individuals with specialized skills and expertise.
    • Au Pair and Exchange: Offers cultural exchange opportunities.
    • Educational Institutions: Provides opportunities for teaching, studying, and research.
    • Scientific Researcher Directive: Tailored for those engaged in research and scientific-related work.

    List of Companies in the Netherlands that offer Work Visa Sponsorship in 2023

    Now, if you're interested in exploring a list of companies in the Netherlands that offer Work Visa Sponsorship in 2023, you're in luck! These lists are updated regularly and are a valuable resource for job seekers like you:
    • List: Public Register Regular Labour and Highly Skilled Migrants - This list contains over 10,000 companies and organizations in the Netherlands that are registered as Recognized sponsors.
    • List: Public Register Educational Institutions - For those interested in pursuing education-related positions in the Netherlands.
    • List: Public Register Scientific Researcher Directive (EU) - Designed for individuals engaged in scientific research.

    Popular Companies in the Netherlands offer Full Benefits

    Some of the most well-known companies in the Netherlands that sponsor work visas include:
    1. Shell
    2. Philips
    3. Heineken
    4. AkzoNobel
    5. Unilever
    6. ING
    7. DSM
    8. ASMA
    9. Randstad

    How you can apply for the Sponsored Job in the Netherlands?

    Open a List above. It contains the names of the sponsors. Copy the name of any company and search on Google. Check the company portfolio and the type of Job they are offering.

    Netherlands Government Online Job Portal

    The Dutch Government has an Online Job Portal where all the companies of the Netherlands are present and they have published Jobs.
    • Website: Visit Here
    • Check the name of the company, copy the company name, and search in the above list of recognized sponsors.

    Use other Online authentic Job portals such as:

    • EURES
    • Indeed
    • Glassdoor
    • www.iamexpat.nl
    • relocate.me/country/

    What’s Next, after Getting a Sponsored Job?

    Now you have successfully secured a Job and you have a Job Offer Letter, your employer will help you with the work visa process. Most probably they will apply for the “Highly Skilled Migrant Visa”.

    Getting the Right Work Permit is important. Here you can read about all types of Work permit for the Netherlands.

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